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including string of value in xpath-path

2004-06-15 09:59:11
hallo subscribers,

i have some problems with an xpath expression. my target is to generate a
xpath string including a value from a varible or parameter, evaluate(xpath)
and getting some content from node. maybe it will clear after my xsl and xml

this is my xsl snippet which should combine the element sitemap and the
variable $sitemap-collection-path with the title element by using the
concat() function.

  <xsl:parameter name="sitemap-collection-path" select="galley"/>

  <xsl:template name="build-title">
    <xsl:value-of select="concat('sitemap/', $sitemap-collection-path,

but this template generates just a string -> "sitemap/gallery/title" but
didnt evaluate it as an xpath-path. how can i force this, maybe with an
other function?

and the xml snippet looks like this...

    <!-- and so on ... -->

thanks for you helping me out!

markus siebeneicer

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