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Re: Javascript in Xsl using-Xalan-Problem

2004-06-05 15:47:39

M. David Peterson wrote:

Dr. Kay also has an XSLT 2.0 book that can be preordered from Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0764569090/qid=1086468757/sr=1-2/ref=sr_1_2/102-3934922-7293706?v=glance&s=books). Its obviously not available now so if your consideration is for the short term then this obviously doesn't help. If its for the long term though you're good to go.
I will look forward to it.

Being someone who has gone through the mental transition from procedural to declarative/functional styled programming I can assure you that, while it does take some effort, its not as big of a deal to make the transition as people think it is. The upside is enormous and the effort fairly minimal. Its DEFINITELY worth the effort. With that said...
I quite agree. I would much rather have the serious programmers make the effort to learn XSLT, but as a consultant my control is limited. Having the department-oriented business rules in JavaScript does mean that the programmers have less of an excuse not to maintain it. I am also looking forward to your port of Saxon to .NET. I am sticking with Java for the cross-platform support but those VB programmers are more likely to accept a .NET solution.
