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RE: Parsing a string

2004-06-04 07:31:36
Citando Michael Kay <mhk(_at_)mhk(_dot_)me(_dot_)uk>:

If you think you can start
by handling very simple ones, and then tweak your code a bit whenever a new
variant comes along, then you are going to get badly stuck.

Michael Kay

I didn?t think so, i've wrote that piece of xsl so that you guys could get a
grip of the problem, but i allready know that it won't solve my problem.

However i solve the problem in the best way it can be solved. The guys who made
the XUI framework modify their code as to accept a new 'sql'attribute so i now
have this:

<ResultsSet>id="ProjectoLista_Grid" conn="default" sql="SELECT
Projecto.Projecto_K, Projecto.Projecto, Projecto.NomeProjecto FROM Projecto
ORDER BY rojecto.Projecto"/>

from this:
          <xsl:variable name="tablename">
          <xsl:variable name="source">
          <xsl:variable name="sql">

          <xsl:element name="ResultSet">
                <xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of
                <xsl:attribute name="conn">default</xsl:attribute>
                <xsl:attribute name="sql"><xsl:value-of 

Thanks to the XUI guys.

And to you guys too :)

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