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Re: Parsing a string

2004-06-03 14:08:43
Jeff Kenton wrote:

As you have found, XSLT isn't necessarily the best tool for this job. XSLT 2.0 is somewhat better, because it has regular expression support.

But, the real question is, what is your application? Would Perl, or lex (with or without yacc), or just C be a better tool for you here?

Heres my situation: there are a number of Access applications exporrted to XML, where are defined the GUI's and the datasources and the SELECT clause and things like that. I'm trasnforming that to a Java application. Those are the requirements. I'm doing that using a XUL like framework, XUI (http://xui.sourceforge.net/index.html) that have theis GUI and datasources also defined and XML, so i'm XSLTranforming one into another.

My specific problem with this is that in the XML input i have

SELECT * FROM aTable WHERE aColumn='something' ORDER BY anotherColumn

and in the ouput

<ResultSet id="aTable" fields=" * " from="aTable " where="aColumn='something'" order="anotherColumn""/>

I'm in contact with the XUI project owners and i don?t know if they are able to extend the ResulSet tag into have a attribute

selectClause="SELECT * FROM aTable WHERE aColumn='something' ORDER BY anotherColumn"

that will solve my problems. Unfornatly the SQL part of the framework is not open-source, or i'll do it myself

Thanks for you comments.

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