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Re: namespace prefix weirdness

2004-08-18 07:17:42
"Michael" == Michael Kay <mhk(_at_)mhk(_dot_)me(_dot_)uk> writes:

    Michael> I think that what's happening here is that when Saxon
    Michael> copies an element (xsl:copy-of applied to the mods
    Michael> element in this case), it first copies all the namespace
    Michael> nodes from the source element, then performs namespace
    Michael> fixup to decide what prefix to allocate to the element
    Michael> name (and to any attribute names). While copying the
    Michael> namespace nodes, it has decided to generate an xmlns=""
    Michael> undeclaration, because the source element does not have
    Michael> the namespace xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3"; in scope
    Michael> and it therefore needs to be undeclared.

The spec says that undeclare-namespaces should default to "no", and is
only relevant for method="xml" and version="1.1".
I couldn't see any xsl:output statemtent in the code, so isn't this a bug?
Colin Paul Adams
Preston Lancashire

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