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Re: Problems generating w-circumflex character for HTML output

2004-08-13 04:11:02
However, I'm having great dificulty trying to generate a lower-case w 
with a circumflex.

The unicode character for this is 0175(hex) If I put that in my 
stylesheet, I get a captial a with a circle above it followed by a greek u in 
the final HTML output.

In HTML the w-circumflex character is defined as ŵ - and if I put 
that in an HTML document it displays fine.

If you see this, you're generating UTF8. The browser should display this 
correctly if the correct encoding is declared in

a) the content-type HTTP header and
b) in the HTML meta tag.

If you're using the "html" output method of XSLT, this should happen 

Things work fine for other characters (a^, o^, etc) just not w^. What is so 
special about this character ?