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Re: applying templates to all but ...

2004-09-24 06:20:43
On Sep 24, 2004, at 9:03 AM, David Carlisle wrote:

select="$style-biblio/(for $t in ('article-newspaper','article')
                return cs:reftype[(_at_)name=$t])[1]/cs:*"

So, the ('article-newspaper','article') bit would just be a long list of possible values?

Except the [1] you put near the end is saying to use the first in the list; right? Does that not work if you have more than 2? I'll probably ultimately have a list of ten or so optional types in each class.

I should add here I originally planned to not control the value of optional types in the config schema. I've sort of concluded that's not practical between the schema and the xslt code.

and I suspect the outer choose could be simplified as well although I
haven't follwed all your logic.

If you mean the class business, all the logic says is if you have a relatedItem[(_at_)type='host'] (think DC isPartOf), you have a part of something else (and thus, it will have more than two titles, set of names, etc.).

Within "parts", you have the two classes: things issued once (like edited books), and issued continually (like periodicals).

In the schema, the classes are called part-inMonograph and part-inSerial respectively, but I really want to shield users from that awkwardness, so it is not apparent in the instances in any obvious way.

All else just has one set of titles, names, etc..
