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RE: Where are xsl:messages sent in JAXP?

2004-09-23 09:04:05
I would like to use the xsl:message feature to send
progress information back to a Swing UI while my XSL
is performing a transformation.  I was wondering if I
could hook my client code into the XSL Transform
object to receive messages sent from the XSL using

I think I know the answer to this one, but is there a
way to hook the Transform API so I can ask for user's
input while transforming their document?  

JAXP 1.2 doesn't define what happens to xsl:message. I believe Xalan sends
it to the warning() method of the ErrorListener (I'm not sure in what
format). Saxon allows you to specify a MessageEmitter using a non-JAXP

I think that JAXP 1.3 endorses the Xalan mechanism.

Remember that the order in which messages are written is

Michael Kay

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