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RE: Using a parameter in a select within a recursive template

2004-09-19 01:13:32

My datafile looks something like this:


Change the design if you can. It's much cleaner to use <FIELD nr="4">.
You're not using XML the way it was designed to be used, so you're giving
yourself an uphill struggle. If you can't change the original input,
consider writing a transformation that turns it into something more
sanitary, which you can then run as the first step in your transformation


However, the output gives me:
FIELD_1 FIELD_2 FIELD_3 etc....
rather than the data contained within these nodes. Can 
someone shed some
light for me?

If you wanted to output the string "FIELD_4", how would you write it if not
like this?

Write select="*[name() = concat('FIELD_',$number)]".

Michael Kay

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