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Re: translate and templates and converting to LyX

2004-09-19 00:33:35
Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
<xsl:template match="text()">
<xsl:value-of select="translate(., '&#xA;&#xD;', '  ')" />

But the above (as far as I can tell) applies to all my data. Do you have
any suggestions on how I can get it to only apply to data within the
<p>...</p> tags?

Try to restrict the tempalte match pattern:
 <xsl:template match="text()[ancestor::p]">
   <xsl:value-of select="translate(., '&#xA;&#xD;', '  ')" />

A lazy way to avoid the template being triggered by text
in <pre> elemets would be
 <xsl:template match="text()[ancestor::p][not(ancestor::pre)]">

This relies on the usual content model (no p nested in pre)


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