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Re: apply-template doesn't hit template

2004-09-13 07:30:12
On Monday 13 September 2004 13:15, Vasu Chakkera wrote:

<xsl:template select="kcm">
    <xsl:message>template hits</xsl:message>
    <!-- This message is never seen -->

watch out the above construct. xsl template doesnt have a select

this should be
<xsl:template match="kcm">
      <xsl:message>template hits</xsl:message>
      <!-- This message is never seen -->

( I can imagine you kicking yourself )

I havent seen rest of your code. See if this works...'

It of course worked just fine. For a day or two I've been trying all different 
kinds of XPaths, I thought I've lost my mind.. These kind of bugs are not 
technically hard to solve, but they simply needs another pair of eyes.

