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Re: getting node type in xsl

2004-09-07 08:54:49
unfortunately using asp.net I am bound to xslt version 1.0, as they
will not implement version 2 even in the next version of their
or is there another .net xslt processor around, where I can leverage version2.0?

2) how can I give a node a unique id, that I can somehow reuse to
programmatically alter it's value (some serialization of the absolute
xPath using something else than the "/" and "[ ]" characters, like
"ID#animal-1#chicken-3#egg-5" for /animal[1]/chicken[3]/egg[5])?
generate-id() doesn't do this...

XSLT doesn't allow you to alter the value of a node... There's an extension
function to get a path to a node in Saxon, and there are "pure XSLT"
solutions in the FAQ (somewhere!).

I don't want to alter the node via xslt. I want to generate an
interface to do so via xslt and then use .net's XmlWriter to do the
actual alteration. therefore i need to generate an id, that helps me
to find the node in question.


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