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Re: Re: How to do an 'existence' test in XSL?

2004-12-23 04:38:19

George certainly has a point... computer languages are modelling languages. If 
they are not able to elegantly model a common phenomenon (which this is) then 
they aren't doing their job too well, doubtless why XSL 2.0 has this new 

However, the scenario I outlined was overly simplistic. 

+It should not be assumed that the gui tags are are siblings. They may be 
scattered throughout the document at various nestings+

One of my additional problems is that I am using PHP5 and thus James Clark's 
expat parser, which doesn't support keys?

In this case I wonder which of the various proposed techniques will work!

Many thanks for all the input, the discussion certainly highlights many 
potentially useful approaches for an XSL beginner such as myself!


P.S. If Dimtre fancies explaining in a little more detail what on earth is 
going on in his script below that would be a wonderful thing!

You wrote:
In case you know all possible types in advance, a simple (but not
too-efficient) way of picking up all "existing" gui types is the

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
 <xsl:output method="text"/>

 <xsl:param name="pAllStyles" as="xs:string+" 
 select="'alertBox', 'combo', 'help', 'tooltip'"/>
 <xsl:variable name="vDoc" select="/"/>

  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:value-of separator="&#xA;" select=
    "$pAllStyles[. = $vDoc/styles/gui/@type ]" />

When this transformation is applied on your source xml (provided with
a single element parent):

  <gui type="alertBox"/>
  <gui type="tooltip"/>
  <gui type="help"/>
  <gui type="tooltip"/>
  <gui type="alertBox"/>
  <gui type="tooltip"/>
  <gui type="help"/>

the wanted result is produced:



On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 14:33:06 +0000, ben(_at_)autonomic(_dot_)net 
<ben(_at_)autonomic(_dot_)net> wrote:
I'm having great difficulty understanding how/if XSL provides the tool to 
satisfy the following simple requirement.

Lets say I have some simple xml like :

<gui type="alertBox">...</gui>
<gui type="tooltip">...</gui>
<gui type="help">...</gui>
<gui type="tooltip">...</gui>
<gui type="alertBox">...</gui>
<gui type="tooltip">...</gui>
<gui type="help">...</gui>

To simplify things... imagine transforming this document in such a way that 
we have something like :


i.e. I would like the XSL to result in one output per gui type.

So there is the problem... how on earth do I process the xml such that it 
results in an output per +type+ rather than for each instance (is that 
explained well enough?)... i.e. it's easy to match on the attributes but 
each match produces output so I would get :


Can anyone offer advice on the way in which I ought to approach this 

Kindest regards,


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