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RE: RE: tansforming an XML into another XML help needed !

2005-04-21 00:22:04
Here is the stylesheet
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
xmlns:myLangs="my:Langs" exclude-result-prefixes="myLangs">
        <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"
        <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
        <!-- item name -->
        <xsl:template match="item">
                <item name="{substring-before(concat(@name, '_'), '_')}">
                                <xsl:if test="contains(@name,'_')">
                                        <xsl:value-of select="value"/>
        <xsl:template match="record">
                <xsl:element name="record">
                        <xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of
                        <xsl:attribute name="type">content</xsl:attribute>
                        <!-- manage common -->
                        <item name="common">
test="count(current()//item[contains(@name,'_')]) = 0">
                        <!-- manage languages -->
select="document('')/*/myLangs:*/lang[abbr != '']">
                                <item name="{fullName}">
name="currentAbbr" select="current()/abbr"/>
                                                <!-- first display 1st level 
items with a language,  those are
leaves -->
                                                <xsl:variable name="vRec"
select="/record/item[substring-after(@name, '_') = $currentAbbr]"/>
                                                <xsl:for-each select="$vRec">
                                                        <!--display itself-->
                                                <!-- display first level items 
that are not leaves (no language)
and have children <item>-->
                                                <xsl:variable name="vRec2"
select="/record/item[not(contains(@name, '_')) and count(value/item) >
                                                <xsl:for-each select="$vRec2">
select="concat(' ****name is
'_') = $currentAbbr]) > 0">
<!-- display childs-->
<xsl:variable name="sons"
select="$vRec2/value/item[substring-after(@name, '_') = $currentAbbr] |
$vRec2/value/item[substring-after(@name, '_') ='']"/>
<xsl:for-each select="$sons">
        <!--xsl:value-of select="concat('     son name is
        <xsl:if test="contains(current()/@name,'_')">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="current()"/>
        <xsl:if test="not(contains(current()/@name,'_'))">
                <item name="{current()/@name}">
                                <!-- display grand-childs-->
                                <xsl:variable name="grandSons"
select="current()/value/item[substring-after(@name, '_') =
                                <xsl:for-each select="$grandSons">
                                        <!--xsl:value-of select="concat('     
grand name is

Here is a full xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE record SYSTEM "dcr4.5.dtd">
<record name="disclaimer" type="content">
        <item name="DateOn">
        <item name="DateOff">
        <item name="PageName">
        <item name="ContactName">
                <value>michel c. gillet</value>
        <item name="ContactEmail">
        <item name="ContentOwnerName">
                <value>luc rooms</value>
        <item name="NavigationCaption_EN">
                <value>legal disclaimer</value>
        <item name="NavigationCaption_FR">
                <value>legal disclaimer</value>
        <item name="NavigationCaption_NL">
                <value>legal disclaimer</value>
        <item name="Title_EN">
                <value>read carefully</value>
        <item name="Title_FR">
                <value>read carefully</value>
        <item name="Title_NL">
                <value>read carefully</value>
        <item name="Abstract_EN">
                <value>The following information is strictly confidential. 
this information to the attention of non-authorized persons could
seriously harm Belgacom. 
It is necessary, while handling this knowledge, to adhere strictly to
the Group Policy guidelines. 
Any violation of these regulations can be penalized according to the
proce-dures applicable in the company.</value>
        <item name="Abstract_FR">
                <value>The following information is strictly confidential. 
this information to the attention of non-authorized persons could
seriously harm Belgacom. 
It is necessary, while handling this knowledge, to adhere strictly to
the Group Policy guidelines. 
Any violation of these regulations can be penalized according to the
proce-dures applicable in the company.</value>
        <item name="Abstract_NL">
                <value>The following information is strictly confidential. 
this information to the attention of non-authorized persons could
seriously harm Belgacom. 
It is necessary, while handling this knowledge, to adhere strictly to
the Group Policy guidelines. 
Any violation of these regulations can be penalized according to the
proce-dures applicable in the company.</value>
        <item name="DisplayAnchorList"/>
        <item name="Content">
                        <item name="Title_EN">
                        <item name="Title_FR">
                        <item name="Title_NL">
                        <item name="Paragraph">
                                        <item name="SubParagraph_EN">
                                                <value>Sub1 en</value>
                                        <item name="SubParagraph_FR">
                                                <value>Sub1 fr</value>
                                        <item name="SubParagraph_NL">
                                                <value>Sub1 nl</value>
                                        <item name="SubParagraph_EN">
                                                <value>Sub2 en</value>
                                        <item name="SubParagraph_FR">
                                                <value>Sub2 fr</value>
                                        <item name="SubParagraph_NL">
                                                <value>Sub2 nl</value>
                                        <item name="SubParagraph_EN">
                                                <value>Sub3 en</value>
                                        <item name="SubParagraph_FR">
                                                <value>Sub3 fr</value>
                                        <item name="SubParagraph_NL">
                                                <value>Sub3 nl</value>
                        <item name="TableLinkURL_EN">
                        <item name="TableLinkURL_FR">
                        <item name="TableLinkURL_NL">
                        <item name="TableLinkLabel_EN">
                        <item name="TableLinkLabel_FR">
                        <item name="TableLinkLabel_NL">
                        <item name="TableLinkDescription_EN">
                        <item name="TableLinkDescription_FR">
                        <item name="TableLinkDescription_NL">
                        <item name="ImageURL_EN">
                        <item name="ImageURL_FR">
                        <item name="ImageURL_NL">
                        <item name="ImageAlt_EN">
                        <item name="ImageAlt_FR">
                        <item name="ImageAlt_NL">
                        <item name="ImageLink_EN">
                        <item name="ImageLink_FR">
                        <item name="ImageLink_NL">
                        <item name="ImageOpenInNewWindow"/>
                        <item name="Links">
                                        <item name="LinkURL_EN">
                                        <item name="LinkURL_FR">
                                        <item name="LinkURL_NL">
                                        <item name="LinkLabel_EN">
                                        <item name="LinkLabel_FR">
                                        <item name="LinkLabel_NL">
                                        <item name="LinkDescription_EN">
                                        <item name="LinkDescription_FR">
                                        <item name="LinkDescription_NL">
                                        <item name="LinkOpenInNewWindow"/>
        <item name="CntType">
                <value>budget, revenues &amp; expenses</value>
        <item name="ExtraKeyWords_EN">
        <item name="ExtraKeyWords_FR">
        <item name="ExtraKeyWords_NL">
        <item name="SPKeywords">
        <item name="LastUpdate">


--- Pierre-Yves <kyrios(_at_)rocketmail(_dot_)com> wrote:

The example I provided is a simplified version of the xml that focus
the problem.  I have hundreds of real sources, their structure might
slightly different but the principle remains the same.

In attach you'll find 2 "sample" xml and the stylesheet.
But the stylesheet is really dirty and it's not working at 100% yet
The main problem is that it's not recursive, I only parse 3 levels
(meaning if there are more embedded elements it will not work).

If you consider the XML as a tree, all the items that have a name
attribute that ends with _XX (_EN, _NL, _FR) are always leaves
contain a "sub-item").  

The ones that don't end with _XX (PageName, DateOn, Paragraph,
Content...) might contain other items or might be leaves.

If they are leaves they should go in "common" if not, it's part of
structure that should be reproduiced in the output (see my first

Sorry for the "dirty" example but I started learning XSL only 2 days


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