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Re: Display HyperLink

2005-05-26 14:00:09
Doh!.  Just got a chance to run it through a test and ....some minor

the url variable hs some problems with the ().  One too many.  I'm a
little use to having emacs double check these for me.
but the correct version should be 

<xsl:variable name="embedlink" select="@c6"/>
 <xsl:variable name="url"
 <xsl:variable name="anchtext"
 <xsl:element name="a">
 <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="$url"/></xsl:attribute>
 <xsl:value-of select="$anchtext"/>

put this whereever you had the 
<xsl:value-of select="@c6"/>

  One is the xml parser is replacing the unicode character
entities with their counterparts, so &#x3c; becomes <.  This is
essentially the same as putting in &lt;.  

PS.  This is the far, far more likely scenario, although I believe you
could have the second one happen with enough messing around.  Don't
worry too much about that.


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