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RE: compare two unicode variables

2005-05-12 09:13:16
Thanks for all your help. The problems are indeed related with Length. But it is
still puzzling. I tried the following code:

 <xsl:for-each select="Entry">
<xsl:variable name="Wentry"><xsl:value-of select="ENTRY_FORM"/></xsl:variable>
 <xsl:variable name="Centry" select="substring($Wentry,1,1)"/>
  <xsl:variable name="Kentry1" select="'&#x00E1;'"/>
           <xsl:if test="$Centry=$Kentry1">
            <option value="{position()+1}">
            <xsl:value-of select="$Wentry" />

 I force the Kentry to be "&#x00E1;" and Entry_form to be Length 1. Then it
works. But when I put them here:
<xsl:for-each select="/reportname/Entry[substring(ENTRY_FORM,1,1) =

It still doesn't work, so I don't know what happened. Even I gave value "xE1" to
Kentry, it still doesn't work.

Please help me again!


Quoting Michael Kay <mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com>:

<!-- define the parameter -->
<xsl:param name="Kentry" />
select="/reportname/Entry[substring(ENTRY_FORM,1,$wordLength) =

Parameter "Kentry" could be "&#x00E1;"(unicode) and I do have 
a equal ENTRY_FORM
"&#x00E1;"in my xml file. 

I suspect that the value of $Kentry is a string of 8 characters (ampersand,
hash, x, 0, 0, E, 1, semicolon) and the value of ENTRY_FORM starts with the
single character whose Unicode code is xE1.

Numeric character references appearing in XML source files get converted to
the relevant Unicode character by an XML parser. This parameter string
hasn't been put through an XML parser.

Michael Kay

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