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Re: Re: [xsl] Importing compiled stylesheets

2005-06-13 04:11:08
On 6/13/05, Jirka Kosek <jirka(_at_)kosek(_dot_)cz> wrote:
Dimitre Novatchev wrote:

Then this is certainly a good candidate for:

     <exslt:include-compiled-module href="hrefToCompiledStylesheet"/>

Any opinions from the exslt mailing list?

Wouldn't it be better to create custom attribute for xsl:include. Like:

<xsl:include href="uncompiled.xsl"

That way you will get compatibility with all XSLT processors and
performance boost in ones that will support exsl:compiledStylesheetLocation.


I think that Michael Kay explained why xsl:include is not appropriate
to use for compiled stylesheet modules -- just re-read his first reply
in this thread (in the xsl-list).

A compiled module will need to be defined as something more closed. It
may be a collection of many compiled stylesheets. What is important is
its property that it doesn't use/know about global objects that exist
outside this module (such as global variables, keys, etc). The only
way to pass information to this module is by using parameters.

Dimitre Novatchev