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Re: Importing compiled stylesheets

2005-06-10 14:31:07
On 6/10/05, Michael Kay <mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com> wrote:
But in principle if there is a set of stylesheet modules such that all
references (xsl:import/xsl:include) are completely within this set
(between themselves) then we could compile every single stylesheet
module and there will not be any run-time problems in using something

   <saxon:include-compiled-module href="hrefToCompiledStylesheet"/>

No, that's certainly feasible - but as you show, it means going outside the
existing language.

Then this is certainly a good candidate for:

     <exslt:include-compiled-module href="hrefToCompiledStylesheet"/>

Any opinions from the exslt mailing list?

Dimitre Novatchev.

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