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Re: [xsl] referencing nodes via variables

2006-08-30 06:40:37

Is there a more elegent way in XSLT 1.0?

well you don't need the variables you can do

 <xsl:variable  name="method"
select="/root/methods/method[(_at_)id=current()/@methodID and

although whether that's more elegant I'm not sure.

whenever you are doing /a/b/c[...] there's a good chance that the code
will look neeter and run faster (if the input is large enough) if you
use a key instead.

<xsl:key name="m" match="method" use="concat(@id,'/',@version)"/>

<xsl:template match="line">
 <xsl:variable  name="method" use="concat(@methodID,'/',@methodVer)"/>


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