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Re: [xsl] pairing up similar tags based on an attribute

2006-10-12 01:05:41
On 10/12/06, Webmaster <Webmaster(_at_)comtrol(_dot_)com> wrote:

My data (snippet) looks like this:

<spec partnumber="9300033" parentpn="9310079">

<spec partnumber="9300133" parentpn="9310079">

<spec partnumber="9300033" parentpn="9310023">

<spec partnumber="9300133" parentpn="9310023">

I'm trying to write a template that prints out each pair of 9300033 and
9300133 with the same @parentpn, but without luck:

<xsl:variable name="connectortype" >
<xsl:for-each select="spec[(_at_)partnumber=9300033]">
  <xsl:for-each select="./@parentpn">
                <xsl:value-of select="ancestor::spec/value" />
                <xsl:value-of select="ancestor::spec[(_at_)partnumber=9300133 
@parentpn=.]/value" />

With this code, I'm getting the correct value for the 9300033, but I can't
seem to grab the corresponding 9300133 value.  I'm not quite sure if my
xpath is right.

This is a grouping issue. If you are using 1.0 then you'll need to use
the ominously titled "muenchian grouping"

If you are using xslt 2.0 then use xsl:for-each-group:

<xsl:for-each-group select="spec" group-by="@parentpn">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="current-group()[(_at_)partnumber =
('9300033', '9300133')]"/>


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