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Re: [xsl] Confused using a loop...

2007-03-28 07:44:15

To do this, I think I need to
use a recursive template with a parameter.

not necessarily, it would be easier just to do 

select="(some/x/path)[position() <= $numberOfItemsToList]">

which will just select the first $numberOfItemsToList items.

If you do want a numeric parameter, don't do

        <xsl:param name="i">1</xsl:param>

which makes a result tree fragment, with a root node with a text node
child with string value the decimal representation of the number. If you
use this in a numeric context it has to be coerced back to a number.

        <xsl:param name="i" select="1"/>

which defines the parameter to be the number 1.


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