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RE: [xsl] Confused using a loop...

2007-03-28 07:58:35
not necessarily, it would be easier just to do 

select="(some/x/path)[position() <= $numberOfItemsToList]">

which will just select the first $numberOfItemsToList items.

Ah. That does look easier.  

So, I now have this:

<xsl:for-each select="//menuItem[pageID =
        <xsl:sort select="substring(lastUpdate,1,4)" order="descending"
/> <!-- year  -->
        <xsl:sort select="substring(lastUpdate,6,2)" order="descending"
/> <!-- month -->
        <xsl:sort select="substring(lastUpdate,9,2)" order="descending"
/> <!-- day   -->
        <xsl:for-each select="menuItem[position() &lt;=
                <xsl:call-template name="createItem" />

The problem is that my result isn't sorted.

I'm a bit confused as to how SORT works. My first select should be
selecting all menuItems that are or ar a child of one with a specific

Then, I assume the sort commands sorts that group of selected menuItems.

Finally, my second select grabs the first 3 menuItems from that sorted

But that isn't working, so I'm not quite understanding  what's going on


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