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Re: [xsl] xsl:element will not create an output element, in any context

2007-05-31 22:17:19
N David Brown wrote:
Ok, back from work now, so have had time to test =D

@Abel -

I tried running your Hello World test, and it worked fine =)

I took note of your 'need an html, title... element in the output' comment, and tried using this -

title must not be empty.
and there are more things missing in your stylesheet to make it XHTML, see my comments in my earlier post. But that shouldn't stop browsers from rendering your output, which is close enough to XHTML.

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

You are not using your xhtml namespace. Furthermore, the namespace is not the correct namespace. See my earlier post. You are creating HTML, ok, but not XHTML.

- but it didn't work. Still no elements were output; only the 'value-of's.

I took the liberty to download libxslt from here: http://www.zlatkovic.com/pub/libxml/ to test what you tested. I run libxslt like so:

   xsltproc dbrowntest.xslt dbrowninput.xml

and it produced, using your stylesheet and your xml, the following HTML (not XML or XHTML!) output:

   <html xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/XHTML";>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

I just tried this, and it output only the 'value-of's, nothing more... I tried setting output to 'html', 'xml' and not including the tag at all, but nothing produced the UL and LI elements. I'm transforming using my PHP now, as Abel, suggested, and the content is dumped to a text file so there's no worry I'm missing something that's actually there ;)

That was David's suggestion, not mine. I just re-emphasized ;)
I am wondering what you mean with "value-of's" or what you use to look at you core content. If you use PHP, and you use it from your browser, do you actually use View Source? I tried you example, and it rendered like a tree, the same that displays on David's site.

Additionally, I tried this latest example with 'xml version="2.0"' declared, but to no avail, regardless of 'html/xml' output attribute value. I also tried all of these tests with this elemented wrapped around the dir template's contents:

   <xsl:element name="test">

As I said before, I'm viewing the direct, dumped output, so I'm not just failing to observe something that's actually there, I don't think...

This is no use. Once you do this, the output fails to be HTML. HTML still does not have an element <test> and will never have.

So guys, you see why I'm stumped! What should I try next?

Try the link of David. I tried it, too, and I see a visual tree. Or try what I tried with XSLT. Or, if your examples above do not match your real data, try your own examples instead of the real data and go from there.

In addition to checking the content-type of your output that David suggests, try running it locally like I did, rename the output xxx.html and serve the html page. If you now still see nothing, it really is some configuration error of your Apache or other server. If you suddenly see the correct output, it is also a configuration error: likely the content-type in the HTTP headers (but that shouldn't stop the View Source from showing the actual content).

-- Abel Braaksma

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