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Re: [xsl] using xsl:output-character to render characters in 2 ways

2009-11-13 11:37:57
Tom T wrote:
I'll change my example.

Financial Times, "Erdoğan Grubu'na"


  <meta name="description"
            content='Financial Times, &#34;Erdoğan Grubu'na&#34;'

I now have an attribute that is marked up by single quotes containing
a single quote. IE6 for one cannot deal with this.

That is clearly in error.

Is this happening *with* your output character mapping in force, or

If without, then the XSLT processor has a severe bug.  If with, then it
may be happening because of your character mapping.

Chris Maden, text nerd  <URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
“The State is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at
 the expense of everyone else.” — Frédéric Bastiat, “L’État”
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