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Re: [xsl] XSLT Hello World - outreach

2014-03-28 12:41:38
On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Richard Fozzard - NOAA Affiliate
<richard(_dot_)fozzard(_at_)noaa(_dot_)gov> wrote:
Remarkably, I *have* gotten people to believe XSLT is easy -- and those have 
almost always been people who are not traditional programmers!

Of course, these folks aren't doing complex transformations. But they are 
people, who for one reason or another, have been given XML to deal with, and 
just want to produce a nice HTML page or convert to a different XML format. 
I've shown these folks just three elements, wrapped in a single <xsl:template 

1. xsl:value-of
2. xsl:choose
3. xsl:for-each

I'm surprised you say non-traditional programmers. These are the same
three statements that proliferate the code of traditional (but non
XSLT) programmers.

You could almost describe them as XSLT's procedural subset.

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