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Re: [xsl] Using memory addressing to retrieve a value vice using a software string library to retrieve a value

2015-11-20 12:00:27

I am aware of at least two very efficient algorithms:

 1. Using *suffix-trees*  -- all possible suffixes of the given
string are organized as a trie.  The search (same as the contains()
function) is very fast.


But whether we are talking about searching for elements, or searching for 
substrings, the designer of an XPath engine has to make choices about the 
trade-off between tree-building time, tree-searchiing time, space occupied by 
the tree, and size of the XPath engine itself.

For documents stored in a database, the developers generally delegate some of 
these decisions to the database designer, asking them to choose what index 
structures to build.

For documents held transiently in memory, building indexes like a suffix-tree 
is very unlikely to be cost-effective unless you know that the same data will 
be processed in this kind of way very frequently.

Whatever engineering choices are made, they are likely to vary significantly 
from one XPath engine to another, which makes Roger's question completely 

Michael Kay
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