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Re: [xsl] Generating an index of terms in a TEI P5 book MS

2016-06-12 07:04:20
On 6/12/2016 5:45 PM, Martin Honnen martin(_dot_)honnen(_at_)gmx(_dot_)de wrote:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
    <xsl:template match="TEI/text/body">
         <xsl:for-each select="//term[@xml:lang='zh'] ">
         <xsl:sort select="term[@xml:lang='zh']"/>

Inside of the for-each you you would need
           <xsl:sort select="."/>

           <p><xsl:apply-templates/><xsl:text> </xsl:text></p>

Otherwise it looks fine (as far as I can tell without knowing the input
format), you will need to explain what "no success" really means, if you
get an error, no output at all, the wrong sort order.

Sorry for not explaining. I was getting an html file with a header, no content in the body. I'm going to try your suggestion now.


You might want to show a small snippet of input with any namespaces
declarations included, the output you want and then one you get if you
still have problems.


A. Charles Muller

Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
Faculty of Letters
University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongō, Bunkyō-ku
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