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Re: [xsl] XSLT 2: Best Way to Synthesize Elements Given List of Tagnames

2016-11-05 11:46:10
At 2016-11-05 16:19 +0000, Eliot Kimber ekimber(_at_)contrext(_dot_)com wrote:
Say I have this string: "foo/bar" (or any arbitrarily-long sequence of
/-delimited tag names) and want to construct from it:

    <!-- Stuff added here that I get from somewhere else -->

Is there an easier or more obvious way to generate this than an recursive

I think not. Any function acting on the members of the sequence in sequence will finish a given member (thus closing out the element) before handling the next member.

With a recursive function I can easily create child elements until the
sequence is exhausted but it feels like there should be an easier way
using XSLT 2 but if there is I'm not thinking of it.

I can't either, since you have to process the next member before finishing of any given member. But that next member will have its own next member.

Off the top I can't think of anything that isn't recursion.

. . . . . . . . Ken

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