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[xsl] Help: Implementing these XSLT File Array X Path snippets with various XML files & Execute in XML Spy?

2017-10-09 08:32:20
Help: Implementing these XSLT File Array X Path snippets with various XML files 
& Execute in XML Spy?

So its been 10+ years since I played properly with XSLT and I'm rusty and I 
doubt if I will get the full swing back since I haven't coded in years. But 
once in a while I like to experiment.

PS: Special shout outs to M. Kay, W Piez, Dmitry N - Its been more than a 
decade since I banged heads with you on some edgy XSLT/ XML :)  And it was such 
a joy to do so and have your guidance.

In some wierd way, I always think in terms of Hierarchical Trees hence XML is 
the "data schema" that always comes to my mind when creating a "data 
structure". :)

Either way, this is the current experiment.

So, I posted this on SO and got a good answer in terms of Xpath expressions I 
think, I am just rusty on how to implement this Xpath expression in a proper 
XSL file with my XML files & XML Spy.


Some small working XSL files would really help as I am way rusty.

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