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Re: [xsl] Bibliography author repetition handling

2017-10-09 09:58:51

I think Chuck wants group-adjacent.

Chuck, what Martin is hinting is that rather than testing each bibl
(each as you match it) to see whether it is a "repeat" or not, you
first group all the bibls by their (analytic) author, then every
member of the group after the first is a repeat.

(Define "repeat" as "bibl that should get '----' instead of a lead
author's name by virtue of its having the same lead author as its
immediate predecessor".)

This means that most of your groups will have only one member, but
once in a while (when authors are repeated in runs) you will have a
group of two or even more members, only the first of which is not a

Due to a design quirk in XSLT (semantics of "." inside groups), you
can code this fairly elegantly:

<xsl:for-each-group select="bibl" group-adjacent="gimme-author()">
   <!-- apply templates to the first member -->
   <xsl:apply-templates select=".">
   <!-- apply templates to the rest w/ a param -->
   <xsl:apply-templates select="current-group() except .">
      <xsl:with-param tunnel="yes" name="repeat" select="true()"/>


* No element is created for the group since the grouping is only to
sort them into categories.

* gimme-author() will be whatever XPath (path or other expression)
indicates the value to be grouped on (i.e. the leading author name
however normalized).

* inside the group, "." refers only to the first member of the group,
so "current-group() except ." returns all the others.

* Leaving it to you to figure out what to do at the receiving end with
the Boolean parameter $repeat ... although I've indicated
"tunnel='yes'" to leave another clue as to how it might be done. Or
instead of a parameter you could also use a mode here to distinguish
between handling the normal cases and the repeat cases. (Presumably
they are the same except for how they treat that author.)

* group-by will have a similar effect to group-adjacent but only if
the nodes are already in their final sorted order; if there is some
anomaly in the listing, group-adjacent is more robust (and will
reflect that anomaly not reorder around it).

It's been a few days, so you may already have tackled this. Still it's
a fun little problem.

Cheers, Wendell

On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 4:18 AM, Martin Honnen 
<xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:
Am 04.10.2017 um 08:25 schrieb Charles Muller 

In a TEI <biblStruct> bibliography that uses biblStruct/*/author/surname
(etc), I have managed to write the code that checks if the author name in
the prior <biblStruct> is the same, in which case the output is ---. rather
than the author's name. It works fine, but I'm running into a problem where
there the first author name is the same as that of the prior <biblStruct>
entry, but there are also multiple authors, in which case the full name
should be printed out.

I thought that one way I might resolve this is to test if the number of
authors in the prior entry is the same as this one, but I can't get it to
work. I also don't know if this is even the best way of handling this. The
XML is like this:  (present output here:

To me this sounds like a grouping problem where you want to group your
biblStruct elements with a composite key mad up of analytic/author, I am not
sure whether you want group-adjacent or group-by.

Wendell Piez | http://www.wendellpiez.com
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