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Re: [xsl] XPath to find duplicate elements

2018-04-05 11:45:45
On 05.04.2018 18:12, Leo Studer leo(_dot_)studer(_at_)varioweb(_dot_)ch wrote:

I have an xml file where I need and XPath expression to find all elements that are a copy of a previous element in the same file.

I came up with the following:

*let* *$xml* := <a>

*$xml*//*[*let**$node1*:=.*return**some**$node2**in**$xml*//*[.<<*$node1*] *satisfies*/deep-equal/(*$node1*,*$node2*)]/(ancestor-or-self::/node/()//concat/(/node-name/(.),1+/count/(preceding-sibling::*)),'&#10;')

which gives

  a1 b2 d2
  a1 b3 d2
  a1 b3 d3
  a1 b4
  a1 b4 c1
  a1 b4 d2
  a1 b4 d3

This is actually not to bad. However, I would like the correct position of the copy. Instead of preceding-sibling::/* /in the count() function, I would like to write something like preceding-sibling::/element(node-name(.)). /Unfortunately the processor does not allow that ;-(…

The code with $xml := <a>...</a> looks like XQuery to me, not like XSLT or XPath. That aside, what do you want pseudo syntax
to compute? If you want to select all elements and compare them to the node-name() of another node you can certainly use
  preceding-sibling::*[node-name() = node-name($n)]
where you simply would need to make sure you define $n previously with a "let", as you have done at another place in your code.

Also XPath now has a "path" function which returns an XPath expression with positional predicates so perhaps you don't need to construct the name/position pairs on your own if you have access to the latest XPath version.
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