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[xsl] oXygen XSLT output setup issue

2018-05-15 21:31:07
Dear Friends,

This is actually an <oXygen/> support question, and I did send it to them, but so far no response. About 1/4 of the students in my XML/XSLT course are stuck on this point, so I am posting here in the event that some of you might be using oXygen and have encountered this.

In earlier versions of oXygen (maybe versions 14 or 15 or so?), when one opened up the XSLT output settings for the first time, an entry for "xml-stylesheet processing instruction" would automatically be generated, without the user needing to do any special setup (as seen in this file: http://www.acmuller.net/xslt-oxygen1.jpg). But in recent versions, this is no longer automatic, so we need to set it up manually. This is too bad, because this is the primary way most of us who do TEI want to use XSLT (rather than using the supplied TEI stylesheets). So now, when we teach XSLT to beginners, we have to go through a complicated setup process, that is difficult for students to carry out. This is unfortunate.

So yesterday, I had to try to guide a rather large class on setting this up manually (they are using oXygen 19, since this is the version I got the license for). Many of them, beginners, couldn't follow my on-screen instructions, so I had to sit down with the students one-by-one to set it up. Having done this, however, XSLT output failed on about 30% of the Mac machines. (The setup that worked on all of the Windows machines, and most of the Macs, is shown in as seen in this file: http://www.acmuller.net/xslt-oxygen2.jpg). For these Macs, the transformation would run, but when the browser booted up (they were all using Chrome), a blank page would appear, with the error message "File Not Found". This is the first time over a period of about 10 years of teaching with oXygen that I have encountered this.

It is possible that some change needs to be made in the filestring variable of "${cfd}\${cfn}.html" on certain Mac machines? I was thinking that perhaps we might be able to work around the problem by replacing the variable string to something simple like "output.html" I don't have the students' computers here at hand, so I'm going to try that next class. If anyone has encountered this, and has any other suggestions, I'd appreciate it.




A. Charles Muller, Professor

Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
Faculty of Letters
University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongō, Bunkyō-ku
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