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Re: [xsl] oXygen XSLT output setup issue

2018-05-16 02:15:01

The difference between forward slash and yen mark is just a difference of 
screen display on a Japanese OS. It's the same thing.

But I'm not seeing a yen symbol. I'm seeing a backslash - the file separator 
for Windows, not for Mac.

Michael Kay

I think I may have skewed the issue by bringing up the lack of default 
automatic creation of the "xml-stylesheet" declaration". We know that can be 
set up. The core issue here is that for 80% of the computers in the class, 
"${cfd}\${cfn}.html" succeeded in generating an HTML file that was 
automatically opened by the system browser. But in the case of a few Macs, 
which which set up the same way as the other Macs, the browser came up with 
the error message "file not found." I was just wondering if anyone else had 
encountered this issue.




A. Charles Muller, Professor

Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
Faculty of Letters
University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongō, Bunkyō-ku
Tokyo 113-8654, Japan

Office Phone: 03-5841-3735

Web Site: Resources for East Asian Language and Thought

Twitter: @H_Buddhism

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