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Re: [xsl] problem: getting link text without document() function

2018-09-11 06:45:15
Am 11.09.2018 um 13:29 schrieb Trevor Nicholls 
What kind of URI are you supplying to document()? Are you trying to get a
document from the server using HTTP, or a document in the local filestore of
the client machine?

Always from the local filesystem. The parameter will typically have a value
like "../manual/chapter.xml#section-id", i.e. relative to the XML document
which is being edited.

I have never heard that Firefox doesn't support the "document" function but it has a rather strict security policy for XSLT based loading of resources, I think you can only navigate downwards. Are you sure that any "document()" call fails or does that attempt to load from "../manual" file with some security/access denied error in the error console?
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