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Re: [xsl] XSLT 4: xsl:template/@select

2020-05-18 12:04:11
I didn't want to create messy scoping rules for variables, e.g.

<xsl:template match="type(xs:integer)" mode="increment" select=".+1"/>

is fine, but

<xsl:template match="type(xs:integer)" mode="increment" select=".+$delta">
  <xsl:param name="delta" as="xs:integer"/>

feels a bit weird. We had similar issues with xsl:iterate - the reason 
xsl:on-completion comes first is to avoid creating custom rules for variable 

Using params in match patterns gets even more interesting - useful, but hairy:

<xsl:template match="para[@class=$class]">
  <xsl:param name="class"/>

Michael Kay

On 18 May 2020, at 17:52, Graydon graydon(_at_)marost(_dot_)ca 
<xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:


says in 5.1:

A template rule with a select attribute must not contain any xsl:param
or xsl:context-item declarations.

I can easily imagine wanting xsl:param, particularly a tunnel parameter.
For example, if the template functions to construct a target URI it
would be helpful to be able to pass in the base URI as a parameter.

Graydon Saunders  | graydonish(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com
Þæs oferéode, ðisses swá mæg.
-- Deor  ("That passed, so may this.")

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