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Re: [xsl] return of the XSL FAQ

2020-05-18 12:08:26
On Mon, 2020-05-18 at 16:01 +0000, Wendell Piez 

I concur entirely with Dimitre on this.

Thank you both, that's very helpful.

 I think we need both the old
FAQ, and a new FAQ covering the best current practice in XSLT 2020+,
including XSLT 3.0 solutions.

Well, you know what Tommie said about Best Practice :-) :-) but yes,
there should certainly be a live current-version FAQ, and for me the
question is whether to combine them, or whether to treat Dave's as
essentially frozen except for any fixes needed.

I'll wait a few more days to give others a chance to comment
(especially Dave himself!). But i'm leaning towards keeping the
existing 1.0/2.0 FAQ unchanged (except e.g. if there are broken links
etc) and starting a new one that incorporates XSLT 3 and current work
and implementations. The new one, as per Dmitre and Wendell, could use
parts of the old one, given any necessary permission, to build on the
work done before that was so useful.

Peter, thanks for updating the XML FAQ.


Liam Quin, https://www.delightfulcomputing.com/
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