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Re: [xsl] How to store a sequence into an element ... andmaintainthe sequence inside the element?

2020-07-19 17:21:02
Michael, upon further reflection I realized that what you are saying is to 
replace this markup:

       <Greeting>My List</Greeting>
       <List><xsl:sequence select="$list" /></List>
       <Ending>The End</Ending>

with a map:

<xsl:variable name="Document" as="map(xs:string, item()*)">
        <xsl:map-entry key="'Greeting'" select="('My List')"/>
        <xsl:map-entry key="'List'" select="(1,2,3)"/>
        <xsl:map-entry key="'Ending'" select="('The End')"/>

My application will process the map rather than markup. Neat!

Dimitre, I am trying to avoid the overhead of markup. In matrices I don't want 
the overhead that markup incurs. Instead, I want plain old sequences. Liam 
talked about this in a post last week.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dr. Roger L Costello costello(_at_)mitre(_dot_)org 
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2020 5:26 PM
To: xsl-list(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com
Subject: [EXT] Re: [xsl] How to store a sequence into an element ... 
andmaintainthe sequence inside the element?

Hello Michael,

Ah, so I think what you are saying is that I could store the sequence in a map 
and then overwrite the sequence that is in the map. Something like this:

<xsl:variable name="list" as="map(xs:string, xs:integer*)">
        <xsl:map-entry key="'li'" select="(1,2,3)"/>
... do some processing and then update the list ...
<xsl:variable name="list" select="map:put($list, 'li', (4,1,5))"/>
... do some more processing and then update the list ...
<xsl:variable name="list" select="map:put($list, 'li', (9,9,0))"/>
... do some more processing and then update the list ...



From: Michael Kay mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com 
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2020 4:58 PM
To: xsl-list <xsl-list(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com>
Subject: [EXT] Re: [xsl] How to store a sequence into an element ... and 
maintainthe sequence inside the element?

That's the point Liam was making last week - XML is very text-oriented. When 
you add a list of numbers to a document it gets serialized as a string. As 
Martin says, you can turn it back into a sequence of numbers by validating 
against a list type defined in a schema. But that's very limiting, which is why 
XSLT 3.0 introduced maps and arrays.

Michael Kay

On 19 Jul 2020, at 20:14, Dr. Roger L Costello 
<mailto:xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:

Hi Folks,

I created a sequence (1, 2, 3) as follows:

<xsl:variable name="list" select="(1, 2, 3)" as="xs:integer*" />

I checked that $list contains 3 integers:

<xsl:message>count($list) = <xsl:value-of select="count($list)"/></xsl:message>

Sure enough, the output shows that there are 3 items:

count($list) = 3

Next, I want to store that sequence of integers in an element, along with other 

<xsl:variable name="document" as="element(Document)">
       <Greeting>My List</Greeting>
       <List><xsl:sequence select="$list" /></List>
       <Ending>The End</Ending>

Does the <List> element contain a sequence of 3 integers:

<xsl:message>count($document/List) = <xsl:value-of 

Yikes! No it doesn't:

count($document/List) = 1

How to do what I want to do? That is, how to store the sequence of integers in 
an element, along with other elements, such that I can pull the sequence out of 
the element and immediately operate on the sequence? If that can't be done, 
then what's the right way to do what I want to do?

Here is my XSLT program:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";

   <xsl:template match="/">
       <xsl:variable name="list" select="(1, 2, 3)" as="xs:integer*" />
       <xsl:message>count($list) = <xsl:value-of 
       <xsl:variable name="document" as="element(Document)">
               <Greeting>My List</Greeting>
               <List><xsl:sequence select="$list" /></List>
               <Ending>The End</Ending>
       <xsl:message>count($document/List) = <xsl:value-of 


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