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Re: [xsl] Performance results of an XML-based neural network versus a map-based neural network

2020-07-22 11:19:45

There are lots of matrix operations involved in running a neural network -- 
lots of matrix addition, transpose, dot product, etc., operations. The 
operations update the <Matrix> elements in <neuralNetwork>.

I used the SAXON profile tool to see the performance of my implementation. 
The performance of the matrix operations was very slow. Here's the 
performance of two of the matrix operations:

average time (net/ms) = 273.170
total time (net/ms) = 27,043.813

average time (net/ms) = 257.718
total time (net/ms) = 25,514.069

[Michael Kay: what does "net/ms" mean?

It means the net time spent in a particular routine, not counting the time 
spent in the subroutines that it calls, measured in milliseconds.

In my second implementation I converted the first implementation to be 
map-based. I replaced the above XML with this map:

   <!-- Set number of nodes in each input, hidden, output layer -->
   <xsl:map-entry key="'inodes'" select="784"/>
   <xsl:map-entry key="'hnodes'" select="100"/>
   <xsl:map-entry key="'onodes'" select="10"/>
   <!-- Learning rate -->
   <xsl:map-entry key="'lr'" select="0.3"/>
   <!-- weights between the input layer and the hidden layer (wih) -->
   <xsl:map-entry key="'wih'" select="(-0.015882097402764903, 
0.04906187053472448, -0.025639452565869168, ...)"/>
   <!-- weights between the hidden layer and the output layer (who) -->
   <xsl:map-entry key="'who'" select="(-0.029846534548482826, 
0.09713823372280408, -0.07405568240941922, ...) "/>

I again used the SAXON profile tool to see the performance. The performance 
of the matrix operations for this implementation was astoundingly fast. 
Here's the performance of two of the matrix operations:

average time (net/ms) = 0.003
total time (net/ms) = 0.254

average time (net/ms) = 0.001
total time (net/ms) = 0.131

For all the matrix operations the map-based version was millions of times 
faster than the XML-based version.

Good to know, but without seeing the detail of the operations it's impossible 
to provide explanations. The key point is probably that updating maps is much 
faster than updating XML trees, because updating XML trees requires all the 
unchanged subtrees to be copied.

Surprisingly, however, the overall time to train the XML-based neural network 
was faster than the time to train the map-based neural network:


average time (net/ms) = 1711.572
total time (net/ms) = 169,445.644

average time (net/ms) = 3633.811
total time (net/ms) = 359,747.295

I don't understand how this could possibly happen. 

With performance, not understanding the numbers is the normal state of affairs.

The problem with this kind of data is that it might be illustrating a general 
principle that applies to a wide range of workloads, or it might be some highly 
peculiar quirk of a particular construct that you used (I always tell people 
that the devil is in the detail). It's impossible to know without drilling down.

Michael Kay
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