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Re: [xsl] Tool that measures the performance of an XSLT program at a fine granularity?

2020-07-27 05:15:47
Hi Roger,

On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 1:06 AM Dr. Roger L Costello 
costello(_at_)mitre(_dot_)org <
xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:

Hi Folks,

Here is a statement in my XSLT program:

<xsl:variable name="who-list" select="random:sequence($hiddennodes *
$outputnodes, 0.0, math:pow($hiddennodes, -0.5))" as="xs:double*" />

I would like to know the time required to execute each of these portions
of that statement:

(1) math:pow($hiddennodes, -0.5)

(2) $hiddennodes * $outputnodes

(3) random:sequence($hiddennodes * $outputnodes, 0.0,
math:pow($hiddennodes, -0.5))

(4) Time required to assign the variable the value

(5) Time required to ensure the value of the variable is a sequence of
zero or more xs:double values

Is there a tool that provides such fine-grain performance measurements?

I guess, saving value of current-dateTime() at two different places within
an XSLT stylesheet, and computing the difference later might give us the
time spent by the enclosed XSLT instructions.
For your use case, I think to do this, extracting the component expressions
into their own variables might help to utilize the approach I've suggested.

Mukul Gandhi
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