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Re: [xsl] Source code formatting

2020-07-28 16:37:39
I recently thought about this when I wondered how we can preserve whitespace in attributes when migrating XProc 1.0 documents (that often include inline XSLT with multi-line attributes, in addition to their own multiline attributes) to XProc 3.0.

At first I thought that the easiest solution would be to patch xerces so that it optionally doesn’t perform whitespace normalization in attributes any more.

But for migrating XProc it might be useful to parse the XPath expressions anyway, because they sometimes need to be modified in a non-trivial way. And once you parse them, you can reformat them. Possibly not at the original locations, but after iteration 2 it will be idempotent. And that’s what you probably want, an XPath linter within your XSLT linter.

People I know of who recently parsed XPath 3.1 (with XSLT and probably also other languages, maybe with REx-generated parsers) are Wendell Piez and Phil Fearon. Maybe they can point you to a readily available REx-generated parser in XSLT.

A poor man's solution could be to use string-based preprocessing (be it unparsed-text() from within XSLT, Perl, ...) in order to substitute whitespace in the attributes with other characters (maybe from the private use area), lint the XSLT, and then revert the replacements.


On 28.07.2020 23:17, Willem Van Lishout willemvanlishout(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com 
Hi list,

Like many of you, I assume, I use a version control system when working on XSLT projects. I'm working together with multiple people, and we run the code through an XML formatter before checking it in to avoid formatting differences showing up in the diffs.

The problem is that, due to attribute value normalization, carriage returns are removed from attribute nodes during XML parsing. When using long XPath expressions (and this has become very common in XSLT 3, especially with higher order functions), which are split in multiple lines, this results in huge single line outputs which are impossible to read.

It seems any sort of XML processing will irreversibly transform the whitespace, therefore I have to choose between:
- No formatting
- Formatting using non-XML tools?
- Finding a parser that bends the rules...

Have any of you experienced the same problem and did you find a solution?


Willem Van Lishout

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