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[xsl] Converting XML into ODT document to print as paper

2020-09-24 02:57:07
Dear all,

I would need to convert XML to something that has a fixed page layout ready
to print, like ODT/OOXML or PDF.

I know OOXML is complex, but since the final document needs to be printed
and keep the same layout, probably HTML output is not good for this (I

What I need at the moment is just a quick and dirty proof of concept to
show that this conversion is feasible and not too difficult, to show it to
decision makers (I'm not a XSLT developer myself).

This is my input (sample):

And this would be my output:

My first thought was to unzip the ODT model I have, look at the content.xml
inside and then try to transform my XML into that same structure (as
suggested here:

However, probably that's the hard way...

I'm doing some research, any tips or pointers or advice or recommendation
or examples here would be highly appreciated. Is there any best practice to
do this? or a ready-made solution?

Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Manuel
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