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Re: [xsl] messing about with XSLT

2021-03-20 07:30:10
Am 20.03.2021 um 13:23 schrieb Chris Papademetrious

What’s your favorite way to mess about with XSLT to try things out? I’ve
been using site, which shows the output in real-time (almost) as you
edit the code:


It also lets you “save” your XSLT doodle to a persistent URL that can be
shared with others. I also use Oxygen XML Editor, but I haven’t found a
similar real-time feedback mechanism in it (yet).

What’s your favorite way to mess about with XSLT and try things out or
work through an algorithm?

Well, oXygen lets you set up transformation scenarios you can then run
any time you want and of course it has a debugger so it is certainly a
professional IDE.

As for xsltransform.net, as it was often not available and got never
updated to support a Saxon version like 9.8 that implements the final
XSLT 3.0 standard I "cloned" it some years ago from Java and the Play
framework to .NET and ASP.NET MVC, it is available at
https://xsltfiddle.liberty-development.net/, as already mentioned.
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