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Re: [xsl] Removing unwanted space

2021-06-04 03:49:42
Hi Charles,

This question seems to need more specificity. People can reasonably disagree on details, especially if a space appears to be an object of markup, or there are expectations further downstream about space explicitly tagged/formatted. For example, in the following variation...

   <anchor> </anchor>
The rain in <bold> <underline> Spain </underline> </bold> <italic> is </italic> wet.

...what is the expected output?

OK, I've tried this a bunch of ways and failed (using XSLT 2.0).

The XML I'm working with has a bunch of unwanted whitespace in all
sorts of places, but looking just at paragraphs, it can have

        The rain in <bold>Spain</bold> <italic>is</italic> wet.

Joel Kalvesmaki
Director, Text Alignment Network
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