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Re: [xsl] Removing unwanted space

2021-06-05 17:03:04
On 04/06/2021 19:54, Charles O'Connor coconnor(_at_)ariessys(_dot_)com wrote:
On 04/06/2021 18:58, Liam R. E. Quin liam(_at_)fromoldbooks(_dot_)org wrote:
If you use DTD parsing, you can declare specific elements as being 
element-only (by giving a list  of all  permitted element children 
without #PCDATA), and then whitespace in such a context may be
dropped by the parser or application (e.g. Saxon) automatically.

Alas, we are limited to non-DTD-aware transforms for the present.

Depending on the volume and [in]consistency of the data, it may be worth
creating one or more nonce DTDs to overcome the problem Liam mentions.

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