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Re: [xsl] Removing unwanted space

2021-06-04 17:46:58
On 04/06/2021 23:05, Liam R. E. Quin liam(_at_)fromoldbooks(_dot_)org wrote:

Watch out for  input like

<p>The boy<em> splshed </em>through the puddles!</p>
<p>It was very un<i>convent</i><b>ion</b>al to have to face a fully-
charged nun.</p>

The first is very common from users on systems where highlighting a word
by double-click also highlights the following space. And carelessness
with the mouse or arrow keys is frequent.

I once asked someone from a wordprocessor dev team what an italic space
looked like but they didn't understand.

(I admit i didn't try Peter's template on these cases; however, that 
they are unusual does not make them unumportant).

I don't think the first type is unusual at all, alas. The italics in the
second are fine, but one would wonder at the bold.

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