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Re: [xsl] user-defined XSLT functions and stylesheet variables?

2021-06-19 04:43:14

My general principle in writing a function has been to avoid any global parameters/variables to begin with. When it needs one or two more options, I supply ++-arity variants. But at some point, one might face the problem of function constants that must be either set in stone, or bound to so many function parameters the function might become confusing and not usable. If it cannot be simplified by breaking it up into smaller functions, then I either (1) reluctantly increase the arity options, (2) avoid the pretense of a "function" and make it part of a larger XSLT application, or (3) I bind those constants to global parameters (never global variables). (If I balk it making it a parameter instead of a variable, that normally means I haven't thought the problem through correctly -- do I really want the user control over such-and-such a feature?)

I am now also in the habit of always declaring @visibility. With a private function I might be more inclined to #1.

The question of global parameters in a user-defined function is akin to the use of functions within functions. If writing a function necessarily uses other functions (a good DRY principle), then I might be more inclined to #3.

In either case, I document the decisions and rationale as copiously and best as I can. I have found good reasons to do #1, #2, and #3. Sometimes problems in real-world input-output force me to repent.

Above is what I've settled on personally, but I wouldn't suggest it should be named best anything or another.

I would adopt Dimitre's advice and convert more functionality to inline XPath if that language supported templates and other unique features of XSLT, and if it did not elicit from me code far more crabbed and less maintainable than what I do in XSLT. With the XPath function fn:transform() I don't consider the issue important. I can (as I sometimes must) write an extensive 30+-parameter XSLT application knowing in peace it can be used in any XPath environment.


On 2021-06-18 19:26, Dimitre Novatchev dnovatchev(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com wrote:
 Is there agreement about Best Practice with respect to using
stylesheet (global) variables inside user-defined functions?

Not if one wants to have reusable functions -- many of them, in useful
libraries that you can use again and again and that you can share with

Best of all, define your functions as pure XPath inline functions,
then the whole notion of something called "XSLT" is non-existent...

These can be used either in pure XPath expressions, or in anything
that uses or extends XPath, like XQuery or XSLT or ... you name it.


On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 10:41 AM David Birnbaum djbpitt(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com
<xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:

Dear XSLT-list,

Is there agreement about Best Practice with respect to using
stylesheet (global) variables inside user-defined functions?

If I want to be able to reuse my function in different contexts,
passing in everything the function needs as an explicit parameter
ensures that it won't have expectations about the global context.
There may also be philosophical reasons that functions should be
entirely self-contained, and should not depend on variables
available in the execution context.

Meanwhile, since XSLT does not allow variables to be modified, the
concern (in other languages) about modifying global variables inside
functions does not obtain in XSLT, and my use of stylesheet
variables would be read-only. If I've written a one-off function
intended for use only in a single stylesheet, passing global
variables into it as explicit parameters is more verbose than
relying on the fact that the function, like everything else in the
stylesheet, has access to stylesheet variables. Passing everything
in explicitly does make the function more self-documenting (since
everything the function uses is declared as a parameter inside the
body) and perhaps also more convenient to test, but what do other
developers think about how to balance those advantages against the
added verbosity?

Joel Kalvesmaki
Director, Text Alignment Network
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