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Re: Aw: [xsl] PDF output - file can't be opened

2021-12-23 10:32:29
Hi Martin –

Ah.  So if I understand correctly, there’s an additional transformation needed: 
 xml ==> xsl-fo ==> PDF.  I shall go and investigate this Apache FOP!

Thanks --


From: Martin Honnen martin(_dot_)honnen(_at_)gmx(_dot_)de 
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2021 11:27 AM
To: xsl-list(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com
Subject: Aw: [xsl] PDF output - file can't be opened

XSLT produces XSL-FO , not PDF. To convert XSL-FO to PDF , use Apache FOP.

Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android Mobiltelefon mit GMX Mail gesendet.
Am 23.12.21, 17:19 schrieb "Michele R Combs 
Hi –

A colleague sent me a style sheet they use to convert XML to PDF.  I’m using 
saxon and running it using a command line in a batch file, with the command as 

java.exe -cp saxon9he.jar net.sf.saxon.Transform -t 
-s:"../other_peoples/bertha/VdM_EAD export.xml" 

When I run it using their XML, it successfully produces a PDF file but when I 
try to open the file Adobe gives me this error:

Adobe Acrobat could not open “test.pdf” because it is either not a supported 
file type or because the file has been damaged….

So: their XML, their XSL, my XSL processor and command line.  I can open the 
output PDF file in Notepad and view all the fo:blocks and so on.  However, when 
I attempt to open some other random PDF for comparison I just see a bunch of 
random illegible stuff.   So I’m thinking that my output is missing some 
particular bit of info that makes the file a legit PDF.

What might be causing this problem?  Do I need to tweak the style sheet, for 
example, or my command line to properly produce PDF?  I’ve never worked with 
PDF files and don’t know much about them.


Michele Combs | Lead Archivist
Special Collections Research Center
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