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Re: [openpgp] Requesting the editor to step down

2020-04-20 13:33:37
Michael, thanks for the constructive conversation.

Paul, a slight clarification is that the bis document was under the purview and 
work of the WG — but the WG got disbanded while the draft was still underway.

The current draft probably best represents the “previous" consensus of the WG 
(while it existed).

Since Werner has already listed out remaining issues, I suggest we attack those 
one by one and freeze the document for publication:

- Key Block subpacket
- Clarify how MPIs are used with 25519 and X448. (Gniibe proposed a change last 
- Add X448
- Fix some fallout with the recently done markup language change.
- Final proof reading

As one of the co-authors of the bis, I for one would be happy to volunteer 
performing edits with Werner.


Ronald Tse
Ribose Inc.

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