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Re: P-services interface in Strawman OPES Charter

2004-07-13 23:39:00

Won't that info be available while  "discovering a service" ie., your
(following) first addendum item  ?
- Defining how available services become known
          to the rules language interpreter? (At least
          OCP-speaking services)

Good question. It all depends on the result of service discovery. If
the result of service discovery is service ID and IP:port pair, then
no. If the result of service discovery is service ID, IP:port pair,
and complete service profile, then yes. I assumed the former context.

I assume the latter context ;-) Atleast that is what is done for  web service

In many cases, the service interface will be hard-coded in some OPES
processor configuration file, avoiding any dynamic discovery.  The
question is, do we want to be able to write a P interpreter that only
understands one (standard) service interface description (possibly
supplied by the service vendor) as opposed to supporting multiple
non-standard description formats (also possibly supplied by service

And, even if we declare standardizing service interface description
out of WG scope, we still must document how an invocation call in P is
translated into OCP commands, right?

How about supporting non-std interfaces as additional module?

For example (pl forget the syntax for now):
// Invokes the std OCP service, serviceA  - OCP service supported by default.

import  ICAPService // A special module that supports invoke method on ICAP
