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A/V services for the IETF (was: Re: MBONE access?)

2004-03-04 00:17:51

the multicast services are provided by the UOregon team supported by a grant from Cisco (+ some support from ISOC via the IETF Chair's fund).

This grant is in its final year, and the end of the grant is a convenient time to stop and reconsider exactly what services we (the IETF community) want in the area of A/V at meetings, and see how we can arrange to have that done, and cover the costs.

So yes, it's on my list of things to worry about - it's just not at the top......


--On 3. mars 2004 18:30 -0800 Ole Jacobsen <ole(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com> wrote:

<begin naive question>

Apart from the "eating our own dogfood" bit ...

Most other Internet events I attend, or follow remotely, use Real
audio/video, or sometimes Windows Media Player.

Can anyone tell me if there are any TECHNICAL reasons why we can't
do this for the IETF meetings?

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